enable right click bookmarklet```js
function enableContextMenu(aggressive = false) {
void(document.onselectstart=null); <a href='post?id=11'>[...]</a>
GoAccess Analytics and PHP - updatedI followed [this article](https://codeplea.com/goaccess-php) to setup goaccess for nani-so.re
since it's from 2016 I was expecting some tweaks to be made, so here is what I changed from the original article to make it work on my debian 11 VPS:
<a href='post?id=10'>[...]</a>
RSS template for PHPI recently added a [RSS feed](https://blog.nani-so.re/rss) to blog.nani-so
it was surprisingly easy to do, I simply had to reuse my SQL query from the index page and ended up with this:
<a href='post?id=9'>[...]</a>
little trick to force update CSS on all clientsA nice little CSS trick I like to use when I'm working on updating / reworking a website design is to append a [query string](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Query_string) to my CSS file
`https://.../style.css` becomes `https://.../style.css?v=1`
<a href='post?id=8'>[...]</a>
npm getting killed on VPSRecently I tried installing some [nodejs app](https://github.com/blocktronics/moebius) on my Gandi VPS
when running `npm install` from the project root directory it would run for a few seconds then the process would exit suddenly with "Killed" output
<a href='post?id=6'>[...]</a>
paste.nani-so.reHow does paste.nani-so.re work and what was it made for?
paste.nani-so.re allows you to send data in text form for easy access across devices on the same LAN.
<a href='post?id=4'>[...]</a>