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RSS template for PHP

I recently added a RSS feed to blog.nani-so

it was surprisingly easy to do, I simply had to reuse my SQL query from the index page and ended up with this:

header ( "Content-type: text/xml" ) ;
include '../static.nani-so.re/db.php';
$sql = "SELECT id, title, content, date AS full_date FROM blog WHERE visible = 1 ORDER BY full_date DESC LIMIT 10";
$req = $cnx->prepare($sql);

$rss  = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\" ?>";
$rss .= "<rss version=\"2.0\">";
$rss .= "<channel>" ;
$rss .= "<title>nani-so.re</title>";
$rss .= "<link>https://nani-so.re</link>" ;
$rss .= "<description>stuff</description>" ;
while ($data=$req->fetch()) {
    $date = date("D, d M Y H:i:s", strtotime($data['full_date']));
    $rss .= "<item>" ;
    $rss .= "<title><![CDATA[".$data['title']."]]></title>";
    $rss .= "<link>https://blog.nani-so.re/post?id=".$data['id']."</link>" ;
    $rss .= "<description><![CDATA[".htmlspecialchars($data['content'])."]]></description>" ; 
    $rss .= "<pubDate>".$date." GMT</pubDate>" ;
    $rss .= "</item>" ;
$rss .= "</channel>" ;
$rss .= "</rss>" ;

echo $rss;

I've also forked a project I found on HN, the author was kind enough to share the code to setup a feed page that aggregates from multiple RSS sources