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How does paste.nani-so.re work and what was it made for? paste.nani-so.re allows you to send data in text form for easy access across devices on the same LAN. So many times I've had to access a link or some piece of code from a device to another, sending email is a possibility but your account might not be connected on all devices and if you use a secure password, chances are that your password manager and database are not there either. A URL shortener service could also be used but I hate those, so I made paste.nani-so.re. The service is very simple, when a paste is made, both the IP(v4) and the paste are inserted in a database. When connecting to the homepage, a SELECT query is made on the database filtered on the IP field and matching the requesting IP. Since all hosts on the same LAN share the same IP, the text sent is automatically made available to all hosts connecting from that IP.