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npm getting killed on VPS

Recently I tried installing some [nodejs app](https://github.com/blocktronics/moebius) on my Gandi VPS when running `npm install` from the project root directory it would run for a few seconds then the process would exit suddenly with "Killed" output since my VPS is a cheap one it only has 254MB of RAM, I quickly figured out it was a OOM issue one solution is to add more RAM to the VPS but I think 254MB is enough for a apache2 webserver, a mariadb database and a few apps in the background so I decided to add some swap instead `sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap bs=1MB count=1024` (/var/swap can be replaced with the path of your choice) `sudo /sbin/mkswap /var/swap` now npm can run without shitting itself ;)